
Digitisation strategy

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The JISC Digitisation Strategy


This is the first version of the JISC digitisation strategy and we are hoping that it will be further refined and developed as a result of input from the conference and delegate comments. We have highlighted some points for debate on the JISC Digitisation Strategy Discussion page as a focus for the discussion and you should read these before commenting.

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The JISC Digitisation Strategy


1. JISC’s mission as defined in its 5 Year Strategy is: “to provide world class leadership in the innovative use of Information and Communications Technology to support education and research.”


2. Digitisation is one manifestation of this mission and meets the JISC Strategic Aims by creating “sustainable and coherent procurement and delivery services for online content to provide access to content as widely as possible for all learners and researchers”.


3. The JISC will continue to fund the digitisation of high quality collections of core relevance to learning, teaching and research in the UK


4. The JISC will continue to investigate the digitisation landscape in the UK to understand both more about the condition and potential of new collections to be digitised (particularly those held within the JISC community) and also to understand where areas of the highest demand for new collections may exist.


5. Through consultation with our users JISC will prioritise the digitisation of collections that:


• Make the hidden visible: enable access to and use of difficult or impossible to access collections;

• Address a recognised need or gap within learning, teaching or research provision;

• Map to a particular area of the curriculum or research interest;

• Inspire new avenues of research, or new approaches within learning and teaching;

• Contribute to creating critical mass within a given area or help to create a theme across previously unassociated materials;

• Would not otherwise be funded, or be able to attract significant funding from other sources;

• Are at risk from being lost to our community through sale, deterioration or dissagregation


6. The JISC will aspire to create digital collections that are:


• Standards based: employ and develop standards for digital capture and description, and digital preservation;

• Interoperable: deploy the standards specified within the JISC Information Environment for interoperability and offer excellence in resource discovery;

• User Focussed: have been created with a high level of user engagement, offer a high quality user experience and where users have been actively engaged in the design of interfaces and delivery mechanisms;

• Innovative: explore new approaches and embrace current developments in technology;

• Contextualised: are accompanied by contextual examples to help take up for learning and research;

• Sustainable: where suitable service provision and business models can be put in place to ensure future sustainability and preservation;

• Legal: where all third party rights including copyright have been cleared for a minimum ten year term educational use, re-use and deposit in archives or repositories.


7. The JISC will develop its digitisation programmes as one component of an integrated strategy for e-content access for its community, other strands of its e-content strategy being:


• e-content licensing (through the activities of JISC Collections);

• e-content brokering (linking to collections held elsewhere at a collection or item level through the portals, middleware and interoperability programmes);

• e-content community asset leverage (working with the JISC community to help facilitate access and ensure the effective management of content created within the HE, FE and Research community through the Digital Repositories, Preservation and e-administration Programmes).


8. JISC will work with other funders and strategic agencies within the public sector in the UK to co-ordinate digitisation policy and to ensure that overlaps in digitisation programmes can be minimised.


9. The JISC will work to ensure that collections digitised through its funding reaches audiences beyond its own community, in particular by opening up access to publicly funded schools and libraries. It will also seek sources of funding to ensure that its digital collections can be contextualised to meet the particular needs of these audiences.


10. The JISC will monitor the changing e-content landscape and will seek synergies and alliances where appropriate with both private and public initiatives, will collaborate with international partners, and keep a watching brief on activities within Europe and North America.


11. The JISC will strive to ensure that its Digitisation Programmes are exemplars of best practice and will ensure that all lessons learned about the process of digitisation are captured and disseminated widely to the JISC community and beyond.


12. The JISC will work to ensure that the collections it digitises are presented in as compelling a way as possible, can link to other sources of quality content in order to create critical mass (e.g. creating thematic or subject based “nexuses”) and that the advantages of new portal and search technologies are taken full advantage of.


13. The JISC will proactively seek out opportunities to both maintain and increase the funds available for the digitisation of key resources to build a critical mass of resources for education and research and to contribute to the knowledge economy.


April 2007



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